Texture Rubbings & Simulation - Students will be given direct instruction on the concept of texture. Students will go outdoors and find a minimum of six different textures. They will then create texture rubbings of the textures. Upon returning to the classroom, students will attempt to re-create their texture rubbings in pencil. Students will turn in both papers; the rubbings and their simulations.
Texture Hand Worksheet - Students will trace their hand on a piece of paper. They will then fill each finger with a different texture simulation (burlap, bricks, fur, scales, and cactus). Students will then draw a plank of wood and a sheet of glass, taking care to re-create both textures accurately. Students will then write the word "texture" in block letters, filling each letter with a different texture not already indicated on the paper.
Creative Texture Application - Students will draw a face as a contour line drawing. No value will be applied to this face. Areas of value will be outlined lightly in pencil. The value areas will then be filled with a variety of textures that help to indicate value, but in a surrealistic manner.