Merrill Art 2.0 Archive 2011-2012 School Year
Merrill Art 2.0 Archive 2012-2013 School Year
Merrill Art 2.0 Archive 2013-2014 School Year
Juxtapoz Art & Design Magazine
Design By Humans (Sign up to design shirts for money)
Woot Shirts (T-shirt design competition & cheap shirts)
Voice of the Shuttle - Art (Modern & Contemporary)
Voice of the Shuttle - Art History
Voice of the Shuttle - Media Studies
Voice of the Shuttle - Photography
Voice of the Shuttle - Libraries & Museums
ArtPolitic : Knowledge = Power
Museum of Contemporary Art - San Diego
Art Institute of California - San Diego
Art Schools & Programs in San Diego
Old Town San Diego Art Festival
San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts
SDSU School of Art, Design, & Art History
Art Crimes - Graffiti Art Archive